ITOHAN は、現在準備中です。


Established 90 years ago
When I thought about what I could pass on to the next generation in order to preserve traditional Japanese culture, I decided to start my own business with the idea of creating something new from traditional culture and offering something that fits the needs of each generation.

To connect with others, it is important to be considerate, kind, and considerate of others, which are invisible to the eye.
Because these things are invisible to the eye, we want to provide products that can convey them. We would like to be a company that can be useful to people by creating and passing on products that are unique to Kyoto, products that are new, and products that value encounters with many people, skills, and sensibilities, including craftsmen who preserve traditional culture and craftsmen who breathe life into their creations.
We will entertain you with the only one pattern in the world.
100% silk kimono fabric.
Washing your face with silk makes your skin smooth.